Punny Printable Cards for Teachers
- May 8, 2019
Teaching styles depend on the teacher, subject and classroom, right? One thing we do know is that everyone can learn with a little bit of laughter. Use our funny teacher puns printables and awesome wall art to teach your students in a different way, or to put a smile on your fellow teachers' faces. Learning the difference between an obtuse and acute triangle can be made simple with a little joke to help your students remember. Or, have some fun in English class by helping students learn the difference between their, there and they're. Know someone that's inspired you? Show your appreciation for them by saying thank you for being a staple to your success with a punny card.
Click each photo to download a full size PDF and laminate any of these free teacher puns printable cards and posters to hang up in the faculty lounge!
You can also give your students some inspiration to study hard so that they can do their best in your class. We help make education fun for kids! Tell us some of your favorite teacher puns by giving us a shout out on Twitter (@bostitchoffice)!
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