4 Ways to Reclaim Your Mental and Physical Space

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In today’s environment with the constant overstimulation we endure with the media, smart devices, and high stress working environments, it can be easy to find yourself becoming overanxious. You may even feel like you have been losing quality time for yourself while trying to keep up with the everchanging environments and technologies of today. If you find yourself constantly trying to fit everything in on your busy schedule, meet tight deadlines, or find yourself being distracted rather than being able to live in and enjoy the moment, you might want to think about reclaiming your mental and physical space. Creating a routine, staying organized, ditching the distractions, and taking time to go outside are all ways that can help you reclaim your space! Read on for four tips and tricks on how to reclaim your mental and physical space.

Create a Routine:

Creating a routine is a good way to ease into your days without overstressing or overstimulating yourself.  Reclaim your mornings by creating a routine that is focused on just you. Enjoy your shower, sip your morning coffee or tea slowly, and take a moment to really enjoy your breakfast. Start focusing on your work or daily activities after you’ve peacefully moved through your morning space. It will also help you create a checklist of the things you wish to complete throughout your day and night. This way, you can take the time you need to get those tasks done on time.

Stay Organized:

Another way to reclaim your mental and physical space is to stay organized. Looking at a cluttered desk can also create a cluttered thought process. By staying organized, you will have a clear space to work in that will also give you a clear mind and seamless thought process, allowing you stay on task throughout the day. Creating a schedule can also help you stay organized mentally. Following a schedule will help you organize the tasks you need to complete by importance, and help you follow through with each task during the day!

organized desk

Ditch the Distractions:

One cause of overstimulation is always being “plugged in” to our devices. Take some time to unplug from your computer, phones, and even TV screens and fill these moments with a new hobby or even just spend the time with someone else. Try painting, learning a new instrument, or even just getting out of the house to create some time for yourself. This is a great way to truly engage in a new skill or just engage fully in the conversations being had by the people around you. You could even take a walk or sit in a café and let your inner Zen bloom around you. Tune out the chaos of the world and listen to the beautiful sounds of nature. You may even think of a solution to a problem you’ve been stuck on!

painting hobby

Get Outside:

In today’s environment, it can be easy to get caught up in work and find yourself stuck inside all day. Make sure you reclaim your space by getting outside and taking some quality time for yourself. Whether you take a neighborhood walk, go for a jog, or even a hike, clear your mind with the beautiful change of scenery of the outdoors. Getting a few minutes of fresh air can help clear your mind and rejuvenate your thought process, helping you to move through the rest of your tasks with better concentration. Spending some time outside will help you feel more refreshed and help you to work with a sharper mind.

We hope you found these four ways to reclaim your mental and physical space helpful! Let us know how you reclaim your space by tagging us on Twitter (@Bostitchoffice)!

running outside

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